HKBU aims to solve significant real-world problems in domains such as data-journalism, data-healthcare, data-literature and digital humanities using robust, safe and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. Our forte is an unswerving commitment to AI research and development to solve problems for and with society by fostering close collaborations with a concrete network of external stakeholders and partners. The three key components for the development of highly impactful AI-enabled applications are algorithms, data and high-performance computing machines. We provide a new platform for different faculties and schools with a view to facilitating new AI-enabled applications in the selected areas of medicine, digital media communications and smart cities.

HKBU's innovations also cover the area of health and drug discovery. We integrate frontier sciences and the therapeutic wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment, prevention, and recovery of neurodegenerative and joint-bone diseases with three pre-defined research focuses: (a) technological advancement, (b) disease modelling, and (c) healthy active living. A multi-disciplinary approach using integrated analyses in phenomics, chemical biology, and therapeutics has been instigated.


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